Digital Electronics BEU Question paper solution 2019

Bihar engineering university Digital electronics question paper. BEU all branch all semester question paper solution. Digital electronics 2019 pyq solution.

1. Choose the correct answer from the following (any seven):2×7-14

(a) Binary number 110011011001 is equal to decimal number

(i) 3289 (ii) 2289 (iii) 1289 (iv) 289

b) If number of information bits is 11, the number of parity bits in hamming code is

(i) 5 (ii) 4 (iii) 3 (iv) 2

(c) The problem of logic race occurs in

(i) SOP function (ii) PQS function (iii)hybrid function (iv) SOP and POS function

(d) As compared to TTL, ECL has

(i) lower power dissipation (ii)lower propagation delay (iii) higher propagation delay (iv) higher noise margin

(e) When two 4-bit parallel adders are cascaded, we get

(i) 4-bit parallel adder (ii) 8-bit parallel adder (iii) 16-bit parallel adder (iv) None of the above

(f) To implement the expression of ABCD + ABCD + ABCD it takes one OR gate and

(i) one AND gate (ii) three AND gates (iii) three AND gates and four inverters (iv) three AND gates and three inverters

(g) A binary fadder network D/A converterrequires

(i) resistor of one value only (ii) resistors of many different values (iii) resistor of two different values (iv) None of the above

(h) In a clocked NAND latch race condition occurs when

(i) R and S are high and CLK is low

(ii) R and CLK are high and S is low

(iii) R, S, CLK are high

(iv) R, S, CLK are low

(i) In a 4-bit ripple counter clock pulse is applied to

(i) clock input of first FF

(ii) clock input of second FF

(iii) clock input of all FF

(iv) clock input of last FF

(j) A bistable multivibrator acts as a

(i) logic switch

(ii) flip-hop

(iii) square wave form generator

(iv) None of the above


2 (a) Convert the following octal numbersinto hexadecimal :(i) (362)8 (ii) (241) 8

(b) Convert the following numbers intobinary numbers:(i) (539) 10(ii) (338 * 2) 16

(c)Convert the gray code number 110011to binary.

(d) Explain weighted and non-weightedcodes

3. (a) What are De Morgan’s theorems? Writethem in equation form. Prepare the rtruth table.

b) Simplify the function and draw a circuitto realize the function:Y=(A+B)(A+ overline AB )C+ overline A (B+ overline C )+ overline AB + ABC

4. (a)Draw a circuit diagram of DTL gate and explain it. What are fan in and fan out?(b) Draw a circuit diagram of RTL gate and explain its working.

  1. (a) Draw the circuit of half adder and full adder and discuss their working. Draw their truth table.

(b) What is a decoder? Draw the complete circuit and truth table of a 4 line to 16 line decoder.

  1. (a) Explain the following flip-flops with their diagrams and truth tables :

(i) SR

(ii) J-K

(ii) DFF

(iv) TFF

(b) Design DFF from JK FF.

7. (a) Draw the circuit of a 3-bit synchronous counter and explain its working.

(b) Draw the circuit of a parallel IN-serial OUT shift register and explain its working

  1. a) Draw the circuit of parallel converter and explain its working.

(b) Draw the circuit of a monostable multivibrator using timer 555 and explain its working.

9. Write short notes following: on any two of the (a) Static and dynamic RAM (b) Synchronous and counters Asynchronous (c) Magnitude comparators (d) Number system




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